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Monday, May 7, 2018

Project Ecthelion: Custom RGB LEDs Strips

With all the waterblocks assembled, its time to get our block lighting squared away.  The case lights will be RBG, but will most likely stay a soft white glow to allow the case components to we lit well. The waterblocks on the other-hand will take full advantage of the RGB elements of their own LED strips.  The EK Monoblock has its own RGB strip, so we are going to make 2x additional ones for the waterblocks.

Heatkiller apparently has a RGB strip  for these blocks, but I didn't know that when I started making these, and its not really that difficult to make your own. I measured the length we wanted to cut the strip, and did some basic sleeving to cover up the color wires. There was a bit of soldering involved to attach the 4pin adapter to the wires, then applied some heat shrink to keep things secure. Here I am testing my strips to make sure they light up and change colors before installing them on the GPUs.

To attach the LED strips to the Acrylic part of the GPUs, I am using transparent electronics tape. This stuff is commonly found in phones and tablets, holding the back of the device to the body. Its pretty adhesive, and holds up well to heat.  Given that its transparent, it doesn't hurt the light transmission as the LEDs shine through the acrylic. Prepped the surface with an alcohol swap, then applied the tape.

Here we have the LED strips attached to the GPU Waterblocks.  I have the cables set to route directly through the gromet holes beneath the GPUs and Motherboard.


Now its time to see how the look with the lights turned on...

Lights ON

Lights OFF

GPUs installed on the MoBo again, and full RGB action is in effect! 

Below is most likely the color that we will end up going with on the blocks, kid of a blueish white, but we will finalize the decision once we have color liquid flowing through the loops.

Another side shot of the GPU block, with the cool blue glow in action.

To jump to other parts of this build log, head over to the Project Index.

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